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I'm just a Guy (see what I did there?) I enjoy my life. It's pretty simple.

Friday, November 4, 2011

The interesting thing about dreams is....

Familiar Territory
     What is going on?  Last thing I remember, I was driving to my mother-in-law’s house with my wife and kids.  Now, here I am on the floor and I can feel something above me.  At first, I thought maybe I was in a box, but then I noticed I could see out to my left.  There is a wall to my right and above me is some sort of alternating cloth and metal.  Next to me on the floor is a hair brush, a hair dryer, some panties and a couple of bras.  I can see a mirror, no wait it’s a TV and is that Jennifer?  Wow, I haven’t thought about here in years.  I used to have the biggest crush on her in college.  Wait, why is she getting undressed and why the hell is this on TV?  Oh, that’s her husband, Tommy.  Oh, shit.  This is a sex tape.  I didn’t know she was in to that. 

     Well, now my surroundings at least make some sense, I must be under her bed.  Yah, that doesn’t sound creepy. What in the hell?  Why is he looking straight at the camera and she doesn’t even seem to notice?  The TV turned off.  Ok, how do I get out of here, without being seen?  I’ll just wait ‘til she leaves.  Wow, that’s a hairy leg hanging off the bed.  Oh, it’s Tommy and he’s getting up.

“This pinhole camera was worth every penny.”

     That was something I didn’t need to know.  How do you tell someone their husband is a creeper?  Funny thing is though; they look the same age as they did back when we were in college.  Ok, one problem at a time here.  It looks like Tommy is leaving.  As I climb out from under the bed, I notice that these surroundings look somehow familiar.  There seem to be two beds here and a lot of books.  Wait, is this a dorm room?  I am so lost. 

     The door begins to open and I have nowhere to go.  If it’s Tommy or Jennifer I can use the camera as leverage.

“Ok, calm down” I say to myself.

     It’s not Tommy or Jennifer. It’s Whitney, her roommate from college. She screams.  I run past her as the cops start to chase me.  They are UTA cops.  How am I back in college?  Is this a dream?  At the end of the hall I run down the stairs and out one of the stairwell exits from the dorm.  These cops are slow. Right across the street is my dorm or at least it was my dorm during this time frame.  I check my pockets and sure enough there are my keys to the room.  Ok well this has to be a dream, there’s no way I traveled back in time 9 years.

     I’ve reached my room and I seem to have lost the cops.  If this is a dream I should be able to wake up and I shouldn’t be out of breath.  Well, in case this isn’t a dream I better act like this is all normal.  I can’t make assumptions like I can’t die or that I’ll just wake up and be back with my family.  Oh, man.  My wife is 13 right now.  I can’t go to her; in fact I’m not even sure what state she lives in right now.

“Well, that’s enough sitting around.  Let’s see what there is to see here.”

     I go out to the Arlington Hall common area and see my old friends.  Their all gathered around the TV watching the VMA’s. I decide to say hi to James.  It seems like something I would do.

“Hey,” says James.  “How’s it going?”

“Not bad.” I replied.

“Did you ever get that thing straightened out with, Alisha?”

“What thing?”

“Those noise complaints.”
     Oh, right.  This must be after our neighbors complained about us and our RA was trying to hand out some measure of discipline.  Look, it had been a wild night with a lot of booze. 

“Yah, it’s all taken care of.”

“Isn’t there supposed to be some middle school tour coming through today?”

“Dude, you picked the wrong day to ask me questions about what is going on.”

     It looks like he was right though, I see a group of people coming.  Half of them look to be in their forties to fifties and the other half in their early teens.  Also, there’s Alisha leading the group explaining about the amenities here at the campus’s newest dorm.

“Here is our common area, where our residents hang out when they aren’t busy studying.”

“Alisha?” a young girl asks.


“Are boys and girls on the same floor here?”

“Why, yes they are.  Why do you ask?”

“I was just curious.”

“Ok, well don’t get any funny ideas.”

     This doesn’t really seem to be appropriate conversation for a group in their early teens, I mean really what does Alisha expect her to be implying?  Then again, I remember being that age and depending on your perspective it wasn’t that long ago.   One young girl seems to have broken away from the group.  She looks, somehow familiar.

“Ashley! Do not wander away from the group!”

     That seems a little harsh.  I’m not sure why Alisha is yelling so loudly.

“You have been nothing but trouble this entire time!  I know your parents aren’t here with you but that doesn’t mean you can just do whatever you please.”

“I’m sorry Alisha, I don’t mean to cause trouble.”

“I don’t care what you do or do not mean to do.”

     Suddenly Ashley bursts into tears.   Now, I recognize her.  How could I not have seen it before?  I run over to her, take her into my arms and hold on to her for dear life.  She starts sobbing and I as I look into her face, it transforms and the scene around her changes.  I’m lying down now looking up into the sky and into Ashley’s sobbing face, but it’s older now, perfectly familiar.

“Please don’t leave me.”

    I try to tell her to not be crazy.  I would never leave her, but my mouth isn’t working.

“Please stay with me. John. JOHN!!!”

     It’s easier to close my eyes. 

    Now I’m back in the dorm and I know what has happened.  These are the last images I will ever remember.  I hold on to my wife as she sobs.

“Please. Please.  I’m going to miss you so much.  I don’t want to go yet.”
“Please…… PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!”


This short story was based on a dream I had last night.  I had to get it out of my system.  Since it was a dream, there are threads that don't lead anywhere and really aren't relevant to the overall story.  I would refine it some, but I think for a short story, it doesn't have to be as structured as a novel.  It is what it is, I hope you enjoyed it.